Category: News
Light, sound, action: extending the life of acoustic waves on microchips
in News7 May 2020 Research opens door to low-heat, low-energy, fast internet Microchips without electrons will…
JSSL Collaboration Workshop and Opening Ceremony
in NewsOn 28 November 2019, the Jericho Smart Sensing Laboratory (JSSL) Collaboration Workshop was organised by…
IPKISS and Lumerical Workshop
in NewsOn 26 and 27 September 2019, a workshop was successfully conducted by the Eggleton Research…
Prof Hosting Federal Minister Hon Karen Andrews MP
in NewsFederal Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, Hon Karen Andrews MP at The Sydney Nano…
James Coyte Joins Jericho Smart Sensing Laboratory
in NewsWelcome James Coyte who joins the @EggletonLab as the Electronics and Development Engineer supporting the…
CSC Award Winner Dr Yang Liu
in NewsCongratulations to outstanding researcher Dr Yang Liu for winning a prestigious award from the Chinese…
CLEO Pacific Rim 2020 Sydney, Australia
in News14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2020) will be…
Hosting Professor Kai Bongs
in NewsIt was a pleasure to host Professor Kai Bongs from the University of Birmingham to…
All-Optical Processing
in NewsCheck out the Roadmap on All-optical processing published in the Journal of Optics, includes a…
Frontiers in Sensing Forum
in NewsExcited to be at free @NSW Smart Sensing frontiers in Sensing Forum with a fantastic…
Prof Eggleton Introducing 2018 Nobel Prize Winner #CLEO2019
in NewsProf Eggleton introduces the CLEO plenary speaker: Prof Donna Strickland (2018 Nobel Prize winner).