Professor Emma Johnston highlights the impressive success of University of Sydney researchers in the recently announced Australian Research Council (ARC) Centres of Excellence round.
University of Sydney researchers will play key roles leading transformational research into pressing areas of national priority that four new Centres of Excellence will conduct.
“Being awarded a Centre of Excellence is an outstanding achievement. This is a clear testament to the excellence of the work of all the researchers involved”, said Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Emma Johnston.
“Centre of Excellence applications require years of strategising, planning and a lot of collaboration and support from academic and professional colleagues across each participating institution. I would like to acknowledge and thank the excellent research services staff based in all the participating institutions whose expertise and support contributed to the success of these applications, and I hope you will all join me in congratulating our colleagues on this tremendous success”, Professor Johnston said.

ARC Centre of Excellence in Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science
The ARC Centre of Excellence in Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science aims to explore the society wide transformations that will flow from optical frequency combs – thousands of highly pure light signals precisely spaced across the entire optical spectrum – by leveraging and building upon the latest breakthroughs in physics, materials science and nanofabrication. Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Ben Eggleton (Faculty of Science) will be Program Leader of the “Microcombs for Information and Intelligence” node and the Centre’s Director of Translation and Impact. Professor Martijn de Sterke (Faculty of Science) will be Chief Investigator for the Comb Science and Technology theme and the Centre’s Outreach Director for Education, as well as leading its University of Sydney node.